Tuesday, February 15, 2005

It was a '3' here

There was just an earthquake here. The floor started to jerkily shift around on me, the foundations started creaking, dogs started barking. . . and it was only a '3', though it lasted for more than 10 seconds. Apparently, someplace up north in Ibaraki experienced a 5.4, which should be more than 100 times worse than what I experienced. That's insane. And when the big one hits (on the order of 7 or so, as they predict), 30,000 people are forecasted to die in Tokyo. This is the second earthquake I've felt here in 2 weeks. I hope that's not a sign of things to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lived through a couple earthquakes in SF. I think the biggest one I felt was a '4'. Oddly enough, you get used to them eventually. Just try to stay out of tall buildings and off of bridges. I always used to worry every time I drove over the Bay Bridge that the big one would hit and I'd drop into the sea.