Monday, April 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by benkei242.
It's cherry blossom season again. . . sort of. I caught this lone tree on the way to the station a few days ago. It jumped the gun apparently, since none of its compatriots were in bloom yet.
This year the cherry blossoms are late. People who made early plans for cherry-blossom-viewing parties are stuck sitting under nude trees, forlornly drinking their beer.
By the way, I got a Flickr account, so I'll be posting pictures from there. There's an iPhoto plug-in that makes it ridiculously convenient to upload photos (and comments intact), so you'll probably see more of these in the future. . .


benkei said...

heh. you would think of a musical metaphor. . . it was completely unintentional on my part of course.

Anonymous said...

the meowking also said...

i'd like to hear what those branches sound like--they're way off the staff!

hey this flickr is not bad. slick and easy.